Sidenote: I recommend against surfing the web for the lyrics to Cyndi Lauper's "She-Bop" Bigger waste of time than I could have imagined. If you do, do it on a Mac, or at least have all your software up to date. Vundo is nasty and now I need to nuke & pave my machine!
So, for the last couple of days, I've stayed away from the computer at home. When I got home tonight, I had some late Christmas presents from my cousin Debby arrive. In addition to a very cool Richard Cheese CD & Golf Journal, I got the book: The Materials and Techniques of Medieval Painting by Daniel V Thompson. Talk about great timing! I've already read the Lapis Lazuli section, and am hoping to make it through Azurite shortly. Finally I can put that expensive hunk of rock to good use!